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How To - End a service booking - MyPlace Provider Portal tutorial
NDIS Australia

How To - End a service booking - MyPlace Provider Portal tutorial

( Title on Screen ) How to end a service booking. Narrator: Welcome to the Ending a Service Booking video tutorial. This short video offers a practical step-by-step guide to ending an existing service booking by updating the service booking end date. You can work through the tutorial at your own pace, pausing the video as we progress. To get to this stage, you will have already created a service booking. Service bookings must be in place for participants who are agency-managed before you can provide support to a participant or be paid for supports delivered. If you need help creating a service booking, there are helpful resources provided at the end of this video. There are two simple steps to ending a service booking. ( Title on Screen ) Step one. Log in to the MyPlace homepage at Once logged in, select the "Service Booking" tile on the MyPlace homepage. The service booking page displays two options, "New Service Bookings" and "View Service Bookings". Select the "View Service Bookings" tile. ( Title on screen ) Step two. Now you're on the "Find" page, there are a number of ways you can search for a service booking. You can search by participant name or NDIS number in the "Find a Participant" box or click "Refine Search" to search by service booking number, status, or initiated by. Enter the details and then select "Search". You can also sort service bookings. Click the "Sort By" dropdown menu in the bottom right corner and select an option. In this example, we can see four service bookings for participant John Citizen. To view a service booking, click the service booking number on the left-hand side. This opens the "View Service Booking Details" section. In the bottom right-hand corner is the "Update End date" button, which allows you to cancel or change the end date of the service booking. To end the service booking, click the "Update End Date" button. Now you're on the "Update Service Booking End Date" section. ( Title on screen ) Important, you cannot backdate a service booking end date to a date before today's date. To cancel a service booking, you can either update the end date to today's date or a date between today's date and the current end date. This will automatically trigger a cancellation. Enter an updated service booking end date. You'll need to enter an amount under "Accrual for Pending Payment Requests" for each line item. This is the total value of supports already provided or yet to be provided within this service booking, which you have not yet submitted a payment request for. If you don't have any payment requests to submit, enter "0.00". Select the reason for change from the dropdown menu. In this example, we will choose Relocation of participant. You must ensure that you discuss any changes and get agreement from your participant before you submit the change. Click the checkbox that says "I declare that this Service Booking has been discussed with and agreed by the participant". Check the accuracy of the updated information and click "Submit". Prompts will ask you to confirm the changes. Once you end a service booking, you cannot reopen or resume it. Click "Yes" to confirm. A green box will appear confirming your changes. To view other service bookings, select "Service Bookings" from the navigation at the top of the page or select the MyPlace logo to return to the homepage. We hope that this video tutorial has been useful. If you require further assistance, please refer to the NDIS MyPlace provider portal Step-by-Step guide found on the NDIS website at Refer to other service booking videos and resources at Call the National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110 or email the Provider Support team at
How To - Edit a service booking - MyPlace Provider Portal tutorial
NDIS Australia

How To - Edit a service booking - MyPlace Provider Portal tutorial

( Title on screen ) How to edit a service booking. Narrator: Welcome to the editing a service booking video tutorial. This short video offers a practical step by step guide to editing an existing service booking. You can work through the tutorial at your own pace, pausing the video as we progress. To get to this stage, you will have already created a service booking. Service bookings must be in place for participants who are agency managed before you can provide supports to a participant or be paid for supports delivered. Please note: if you are providing supports that require a quote, like assistive technology or supported independent living, you will not be able to edit the service booking. If you need help creating a service booking there are helpful resources provided at the end of this video. There are two simple steps to editing a service booking. ( Title on screen ) Step One. Log into the my place homepage at Once logged in, select the "Service Booking" tile on the MyPlace homepage. The Service Booking page displays two options - "New Service Bookings and View Service Bookings". Select the "View Service Bookings tile". ( Title on screen ) Step two. Now you're on the "Find" page. There are a number of ways you can search for a service booking. You can search by participant name, or NDIS number in the "Find a Participant" box or click "Refine Search" to search by service booking number, status, or initiated by Enter the details and then select "Search". You can also sort service bookings. Click the "Sort By" drop down menu in the bottom right corner and select an option. In this example, we can see four service bookings for participant John Citizen. To view a service booking, click the service booking number on the left hand side. This opens the "View Service Booking Details" section. In the bottom right hand corner, "Update Allocation" allows you to update the quantity or unit price of a support item. "Update End Date" allows you to cancel or change the end date of the service booking. To update the quantity or unit price of a support item, click the "Update Allocation" button. You are now on the "Update Allocation" screen. Here you can update either the quantity or the allocated amount unit price which is a dollar figure. Note: you must ensure that you discuss any changes and get agreement from your participant before you submit the change. Click the checkbox that says, "I declare that this service booking has been discussed with and agreed by the participant". Check the updated information is accurate and click "Submit". You are now back at the "View Service Booking Details" screen. To end or extend a service booking, click the "Update End Date" button. Now you're on the "Update Service Booking End Date" section. Important: Editing a service booking end date could lead to you accidentally cancelling your service booking permanently. For more information on cancelling a service booking, follow the link at the end of this video to the "Ending a Service Booking" video. To avoid accidentally cancelling your service booking, please follow instructions in this video carefully. To edit the service booking end date, without triggering a cancellation, make sure you update it to a future date that is after the current end date If the end date is extended to a later date, no accrual is necessary. The service booking will continue with the existing fund allocation. Enter service booking end date in the future. Select the reason for change from the drop down menu. In this example, we will choose relocation of participant. You must ensure that you discuss any changes and get agreement from your participant before you submit the change. Click the checkbox that says, "I declare that this service booking has been discussed with and agreed by the participant". Check the accuracy of the updated information and click "Submit". A green box will appear confirming your changes. To view other service bookings, select "Service Bookings" from the navigation at the top of the page or select the MyPlace logo to return to the homepage. We hope that this video tutorial has been useful if you require further assistance, please refer to the NDIS MyPlace provider portal Step by Step Guide found on the NDIS website at Refer to other service booking videos and resources at Call the national contact centre on 1800 800 110 or email the provider support team at
How To - View a service booking - MyPlace Provider Portal tutorial
NDIS Australia

How To - View a service booking - MyPlace Provider Portal tutorial

( Title on screen ) How to view a service booking Narrator: Welcome to the Viewing a Service Booking video tutorial. This short video offers a practical step-by-step guide to viewing an existing service booking. You can work through the tutorial at your own pace, pausing the video as we progress. To get to this stage, you will have already created a service booking. Service bookings must be in place for participants who are agency-managed before you can provide supports to a participant or be paid for supports delivered. If you need help creating a service booking, there are helpful resources provided at the end of this video. There are two simple steps to viewing a service booking. ( Title on screen ) Step one. Log in to the MyPlace homepage at Once logged in, select the "Service Booking" tile on the MyPlace homepage. The "Service Booking" page displays two options, "New Service Bookings" and "View Service Bookings". Select the "View Service Bookings" tile. ( Title on screen ) Step two. Now you're on the "Find" page. There are a number of ways you can search for a service booking. You can search by participant name or NDIS number in the "Find a Participant" box or click "Refine Search" to search by service booking number, status or initiated by. Enter the details and then select "Search". You can also sort service bookings. Click the "Sort By" dropdown menu in the bottom right corner and select an option. In this example, we can see four service bookings for participant John Citizen. To view a service booking, click the service booking number on the left-hand side. This opens the "View Service Booking Details" section. In this example are details of the service booking for John Citizen. From left to right on screen are the participant name - John Citizen and his NDIS participant number. The type is a standard booking. The number is the service booking number. The start date of this example is the 26th of February, 2020. And its current End Date - the date the service booking is due to end, is the 15th of August, 2020. Unless there has been a revision to the end date of this service booking, the column "Revised End Date" will be blank. The service booking total is $800. The column titled "In-Kind Program" is blank, indicating the service booking is not linked to an In-Kind program and the Status is Active at the time of this video. Your service booking will look different to this, this is just an example. Underneath "Service Booking Details" will be the support details of the service booking. In this example, "CB Daily Activity" has been entered at the category level which is referred to as Support Budget in the portal as displayed on screen. We know it's been entered at the category level as the "Support Item Number" and "Support Item Name" fields are blank. If there are entries in these fields, the service booking has been created at the line item level. In this example, the Allocated Amount - Unit Price, is $800 and the Remaining Amount is $800. This means that a payment request has not yet been made by a provider. You're all done. To view other service bookings, select "Service Bookings" from the navigation at the top of the page, or select the MyPlace logo to return to the homepage. We hope that this video tutorial has been useful. If you require further assistance, please refer to the NDIS MyPlace provider portal Step-by-Step Guide, found on the NDIS website at Refer to other service booking videos and resources at Call the National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110 or email the Provider Support team at
How To - Create a service booking - MyPlace Provider Portal tutorial
NDIS Australia

How To - Create a service booking - MyPlace Provider Portal tutorial

( Title on screen ) How to create a service booking Narrator: Welcome to the creating a service booking video tutorial. This short video offers a practical step-by-step guide to creating a new service booking. You can work through the tutorial at your own pace, pausing the video as we progress. To get to this stage, you would have already established a service agreement with a participant. One that sets out expectations of the supports to be delivered and how they will be delivered. But before we begin, did you know, if a participant is agency managed, you will need to create a service booking before providing supports to a participant? Without a service booking, you will not be able to submit payment requests to be paid for the supports you have provided to agency-managed participants. If the participant is not agency managed, you should discuss how they will pay for the supports you are going to deliver. There are three simple steps to creating a service booking. Step one. Log into the MyPlace home page at Once logged in, select the 'service booking' tile on the MyPlace home page. The Service Booking page displays two options, 'New Service Bookings' and 'View Service Bookings'. Select the 'New Service Bookings' tile. Enter the participant's last name, NDIS number and date of birth. Then select 'Search'. The next step is to select the service booking type. There are two types available - 'Standard Booking' for funds that are agency managed and 'Plan Managed' for funds that are managed by a plan manager, as specified in the participant's plan. 'Plan Managed' is only available when a provider is managing participant funding. Note, if these options are not available, please refer back to the participant's plan for more information. Enter the start and end dates of the service booking, noting that these dates cannot sit outside the date range of the plan. Then select Find Plan. Step two Select the button of the plan you want to work with. Note: if the participant's support relates to an 'in-kind program', please contact the NDIA for more information, otherwise continue. Step three You've reached the third stage of creating a service booking, you're almost there. Under the 'Support Details' heading, select the support category using the dropdown button for 'Support Budget'. There are two types available - 'category level', this is referred to as Support Budget in the Support Details section. And 'line item level', this is referred to as the Item Number on screen. In most cases, service bookings will be created on the category level. Note: occasionally a participant's plan may include a specific line item for a type of support. In this case, the service booking must be created at the line item level. If you are creating a support budget on the line item level, please refer to the 'NDIS MyPlace provider portal Step-by-Step Guide, part four - administering your services', on the NDIS website at Select the Support Budget category and enter the allocated amount. You will notice that the support budget has been moved to the 'Added Details section'. If the details are incorrect, you can edit or remove the entry using the action links. If the details are correct, select 'Next' to continue. Once you have selected 'Next' to continue, the support booking and item details display. Note: if you receive an error message, you must rectify the error as instructed before you can successfully create the service booking. Check that all details of the service booking are correct. If details of the service booking are incorrect, you can select 'Back' to edit. When you're confident the details are correct, you may wish to add explanatory notes to the 'Comments' field. Then tick the mandatory declaration and select 'Submit'. A green box will appear confirming your service booking has been successfully submitted. You're all done. To view your service bookings, select 'View Service Bookings' or select the MyPlace logo to return to the home page. We hope that this video tutorial has been useful. If you require further assistance, please refer to the 'NDIS MyPlace provider portal Step-by-Step Guide', found on the NDIS website at Refer to other service booking videos and resources at Call the National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110. Or email the Provider Support team at
What is a Home Care Package?

What is a Home Care Package?

A Home Care Package is a pool of funding allocated to you by the government to assist with care and support in your home. Receiving care in your own home is beneficial to you as well as to the government, so the support they are offering is generous and worth taking up! Next up in the series: Are you eligible for a Home Care Package? What's the difference between Council Services and a Home Care Package? The Australian Government’s Home Care Package Program helps people live independently in their own home for as long as they can. It is based upon a Consumer Directed Care model and gives consumers more choice and control over their care than ever before. Currently, there are a limited number of Home Care Packages released by the government and there is a long wait list. Once you are allocated a Home Care Package (woohoo!), you can then choose a provider and select which services you want to receive from them. This is the exciting part as there are a great number of services, from personal care through to gardening and social and recreational activities. There are four levels of Home Care Packages. Each level provides a different amount of funds, which are used to pay for any services that will contribute to you remaining safely in your home. You are not able to access these funds directly, instead, the provider you choose will be granted access to your funding and will use it to pay for your services. Read more about Home Care Package levels:
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