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Aged Care Weekly

The Aged Care Commission have created and released a new COVID – 19 Subcontracting Notification Form.

This form is for approved providers that engage services from external organisations (brokered services). It offers guidance to approved providers to consider their existing responsibilities when entering arrangements with external organisations and brokered services.

It is expected that approved providers must ensure they have notified the subcontracted organisation that they are informing the Aged Care Commission of their arrangements. This is essential as the approved providers must abide by the Australian Privacy Principles.

The information must be collecetd and maintained from that person directly, and does not permit information collected from third parties.

If you are an approved provider with current agreements to subcontractors, please click on the link below for futher information.


Commission has re-commenced conducting unannounced visits...

In accordance with the COVIDSafe Australia guidance, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has re-commenced conducting unannounced visits to aged care services.

While the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission have undertaken risk-based site visits throughout the pandemic, as a temporary measure from 16 March 2020 they have introduced a short period of notice (less than 48 hours) prior to visiting a site to minimise infection risks to aged care participants and aged care staff. The commission staff conducting this must have evidence of receiving their 2020 influenza vaccination.

For additional information on unannounced visits in the Aged Care Sector, please visit the Aged Care Quality and Safety Comission on


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